Run Rosetta Simulator on Xcode 14.3
Rosetta is an essential tool for developers working with Apple’s macOS, allowing them to run applications built for different processor architectures seamlessly. With the release of Xcode 14.3, using Rosetta Simulator has become even more accessible. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using the Rosetta Simulator in Xcode 14.3.
Setting up Rosetta Simulator
- Step 1: Launch Xcode 14.3
- Step 2: Go to “Product” in the menu bar and select Destination -> Destination Architectures -> Show both

- Step 3: Navigate to the “Active Scheme” and choose Rosetta simulator.

Attention: This feature was not officially announced by Apple in the release notes, and might not be reliable.
Xcode isn’t supported under Rosetta. See Developer Technote “Resolving architecture build errors on Apple silicon“ for more information. (92772361)
Update: April 4, 2023 — Installing Xcode 14.3 will also break simulators on Xcode 14.2. If you need to revert to previous versions, follow the instructions here: